Conferences & Poster Presentations
Conference presentations by Quinn Kennedy PhD

Gerontological Society of America
Tampa, FL
Kennedy, Q., Chao, L, & Liston, D. (2023). Use of eye tracking technology to detect Mild Cognitive Impairment.

International Congress of Applied Psychology
Paris, France
Kennedy, Q., Taylor, J., Hernandez, B., Regis, N., Castile, K., Volz, J. & Yesavage, J. (2014). Understanding why some aviators make risky decisions: The role of visual scan patterns.

Cognitive Aging Conference
Atlanta, GA
Kennedy, Q., Taylor, J., Heraldez, D., Noda, A., & Yesavage, J. (2012) Intraindividual variability in basic reaction time predicts middle-aged and older pilots’ flight simulator performance.

Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference
Boston, MA
Kennedy, Q., Taylor, J., Yesavage, J., Noda, A., Adamson, M., Murphy, G., & Zeitzer, J. (2011). Individual difference factors in challenging flight tasks.

Neuropsychological Society Annual Conference
Waikoloa, Hawaii
Taylor, J. Kennedy, Q., Adamson, M., Murphy, G., & Yesavage, J. (2008). Expert knowledge, APOE epsilon4, and risk for decline in aviation performance.

Cognitive Aging Conference
Atlanta, GA
Taylor, J. L., Kennedy, Q., Noda, A., & Yesavage. J. A. (2006). Age, expertise and longitudinal aviator performance: Changes in domain-relevant performance versus change in general speed of processing.

Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference
Orlando, FL
Kennedy, Q., & O’Hara, R. (2005). Aging, memory ability, and the positivity effect.

Gerontological Society of America Annual
San Diego, CA
Kennedy, Q. (2003). Stability and change in physical and mental health: Findings from a 14-year longitudinal study.

Stanford-Berkeley Talks
Stanford, CA
Kennedy, Q., Carstensen, L. L., Drew, F., & Pasupathi, M. (2000). Aging and accuracy of memory for emotional experience.

Gerontological Society of America Annual Conference
Boston, MA
Kennedy, Q., & Carstensen, L. (2002). Aging, motivation, and autobiographical memory.

American Psychological Association Convention
San Francisco, CA
Kennedy, Q., & Carstensen, L. (2001). Aging, reconstruction, and autobiographical memory.

Association for Behavior Analysis Annual Convention.
San Francisco, CA
Kennedy, Q. (2003). Training Issues in Gerontology: Part 1. Invited panel presentation.

Berkeley-Stanford Talks
Berkley, CA
Kennedy, Q., & Carstensen, L. (2001). Aging and memory biases in recalling recent emotional experiences.

Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Kennedy, Q., & Loeckenhoff, C. (2000). Psychological changes across the adult lifespan. Guest lecture for “Issues in Aging.”

Stanford University
Stanford, CA
Kennedy, Q. (2000). Time perspective and its influence on well-being and social interaction. Guest lecture for “Introduction to Psychology.”

American Society on Aging Annual Meeting
San Diego, CA
Kennedy, Q., & Charles, S. (2000). Time perspective and its influence on well-being and social interaction.

Stanford-Berkeley Talks
Berkley, CA
Kennedy, Q., Carstensen, L. L., & Pasupathi, M. (1999). Aging and emotional response to negative situations.